As the saying goes, “it’s better to be safe than sorry” At Premium Safari, we know this all too well. That’s why we want to equip you with some of our proven Safari Tips. They help you plan a safari without any mishaps.
1. Travel insurance
As soon as you have confirmed your travel plans, take out travel insurance. Choose a policy that covers cancellation, medical illness, emergency evacuation and associated hospital treatments. Make sure you bring your travel insurance emergency numbers and your policy number/details.
Trips with PremiumSafari are not covered with travel guarantee
2. Personal safety
Your personal safety and security is mostly a matter of common sense. So take the same precautions when traveling in Africa on safari as you would in any major city at home:
- Do not bring large amounts of cash (see below for more information on cash, credit cards and ATMs).
- Carry your cash (plus passport and other travel documents) in a money pouch hidden under your shirt. Keep it out of sight or stored in your camera bag or backpack (which should always be visible).
- Keep a close eye on your personal bags when walking in crowded areas (airports, markets, restaurants and on the street).
- Don't walk alone at night.
- Leave your passport, plane tickets and cash in a safe place (the hotel/lodge locker) when you go out.
- Keep tempting valuables (including phones, cameras, wallets, purses) out of sight. Lock them in the safe or turn them in to management.
- If possible, leave your jewelry at home.
3. Cash, credit cards and ATMs
Carry a combination of cash (preferably US$ for most countries…and Rand for South Africa) and at least one credit card.
Travelers cheques (checks) are not widely accepted in African countries (i.e. Tanzania) anymore. The United States Dollar remains the most widely accepted, followed by the Euro and Sterling.
A very important Travel Tip relates to money. Take at least US$150 to $250 per person/per week in cash from home. Visas secured on arrival must be paid in cash and in the exact amount.
Some countries do not accept US$ bills dated before the year 2000, due to suspicions of counterfeiting.
Be wary of streetside money-changers! If you do use one, be sure to count each note separately to satisfy yourself that the whole amount is there before handing across any of your own cash. Once counted, be sure not to let the pile out of your sight. It is an old trick to switch bundles and for you to later discover that the new bundle is mostly newspaper. If the money traders are legitimate, they will not be offended!
Credit and debit cards
Most establishments accept international credit cards. Use them as a method of payment wherever possible. It makes sense to carry more than one brand of credit card as not all types are accepted by all outlets/hotels. On the downside, credit card companies do not offer the best exchange rates going around and will often add a foreign transaction fee for good measure!
Credit cards in Africa carry attract a surcharge – up to 5% in some cases, and possibly more! Be sure to ask about any surcharges before you hand over your credit card.
Important Travel Tip: Most banks and credit card companies advocate that you advise them before you travel overseas. This is so that their credit card monitoring systems do not suspend your card when they detect any unusual purchases. Such purchases will trigger the suspension of your card and leave you with embarrassing consequences.
Also, be cautious of providing your credit card details when travelling. And do not let your card out of your sight when paying your bill.
In most countries we travel to, ATMs only provide local currency and you may need an international PIN. Be sure to check with your bank/credit card facility at home about how this should work. Not all ATMs accept all credit card types. VISA has the best coverage in, for example, Africa. Use an ATM at a bank, so if your card is retained for any reason, you can go in and get it back. Don’t rely on ATMs as your main source of money while on safari!
4. Electric current
Electricity is usually 220-240V/50Hz AC, in Africa as well as much of Europe, the UK, Australia and New Zealand and virtually all Asian countries and India. Those of you from Europe and North America must bring an adapter for correct plug configuration and a converter. See what applies at your particular destination.
Not all safari camps and lodges have electrical outlets in the tents/rooms but they always have a place to charge your camera/video and phone/iPod batteries.
Some camps run their generator at certain times of the day – so be sure to check with the manager when you arrive.
A number of mobile safari operators have inverters in their vehicles, so you can charge your camera/video batteries on the go.
5. Mobile phone (mobile) and internet access
In general, communication in our destinations is not what you are used to at home, but mobile coverage (and even Wi-Fi) is relatively well spread in most destinations – but not in some of the more remote safari destinations, such as New Guinea.
A travel tip before you leave home: check with your service provider that your phone is registered for international roaming (and check that the phone you have is compatible with the networks. Most work on digital GSM networks, with a frequency of 900 MHz (and some 3G -network too) If your phone is a dual or tri band GSM phone it will work fine.
More and more we see Wi-Fi being offered at safari camps/lodges – some as an extension of the country’s communication network, and some connected via satellite. Better to use WiFi than your mobile phone. Avoid exorbitant international roaming charges!
Please note: Not all conventional communication options (telephone, fax, internet and email) are available at the more remote safari camps (and mobile camps in particular). Communication is sometimes only available via HF radio.
6. Water
Drink bottled water. You are always sure to drink the bottled water available in all camps and lodges. Always carry a bottle of water with you – even when transferring between camps. If you are at all concerned about the quality of the water where you live, check with the staff. And if the water is not treated or bottled, then avoid ice in your drinks or cleaning your teeth with the tap water. Take water purification tablets for emergency use if you think bottled water will not be available.
The safari industry is making a concerted effort to reduce the use of plastic water bottles – try to work with them.
A number of safari operators make sterilized water bottles (mostly stainless steel) available for you to fill with purified water in their camps and lodges. This is an initiative that you should undertake whenever possible as this will have a significant and positive environmental impact. By eliminating the factory-filled (sealed) plastic water bottles, you will not only save fuel by transporting these bottles to remote regions (by the thousands) but also solve the problem of the huge pollution to roadsides and cities that these plastic bottles promote.
Warning: Dehydration is a real danger on safari. Make sure to drink regularly and have water on hand at all times.
7. Dust
During the winter months (June to October), game reserves can be extremely dusty. Contact lens wearers should bring eye drops and glasses to avoid eye irritation. Clean camera and video lenses regularly and store in a camera bag when on safari.
8. Tips
Shall we drink, and if so – how much?? This is a common dilemma for most visitors to a foreign country. The traditional gratuity for safari guides or camp staff is not included in the price of your safari and is entirely up to you to demonstrate how satisfied you were with the guide/driver.
Keep in mind that what may seem like an insignificant amount to you may be significant to local staff and will definitely be received as a show of gratitude that is genuinely received.
Most safari lodges will have a ‘tip box’ in reception for staff – this covers any ‘invisible’ services you have had during your stay, including the housekeeper and kitchen staff.
Guidelines: Tip moderately and in accordance with the level and quality of service provided – and only if you are satisfied with that service. Gratuities can be paid in US dollars or local currency. Use the following guide:
Driver/Guide – US$10 and up per day.
Private Safari Guide – US$25 and up per day;
Camp Staff – $10 to $20 per day, as a pooled tip to be split between housekeepers, waiters, bartenders, etc.
If you spend a lot of time with a single guide, consider increasing the above amount according to the enthusiasm and effort shown (or your overall satisfaction level).
9. Charity on Safari
Many visitors feel a strong urge to help the less fortunate they meet on a safari, or when visiting a local village or school. It is best to look for an appropriate occasion while traveling, rather than bringing gifts from home. Many safari camps and lodges are actively involved in working with their local communities to maintain schools, clinics and other projects. Ask about this when you are there and visit the school, clinic or project if you can. A donation to something you’ve seen on the ground will give you more satisfaction (and directly help those most in need). Contribute in a way that helps a person (or a community) help themselves and improve their way of life.
Resist the temptation to offer “handouts” to children on the side of the road. This only encourages a dependency on such generosity and teaches these children that begging brings reward. There is no dignity in begging and the harassment it creates will not go down well with the next group of tourists either!
A rather fun idea is to give away a soccer ball. Most people love soccer, but not every child has a ball to play with.
10. General
Most countries have strict currency control regulations and it is illegal to enter or leave the country with anything other than nominal amounts of local currency. To avoid problems, do not exchange too much money into local currency at one time. There is normally no limit to the amount of foreign currency that may be imported.
11. Vaccine
It’s great to travel and it’s unfortunate to contract diseases that are actually preventable. Exactly which vaccination coverage you need depends on a number of factors, which country you will visit, where in the country you will be, what time you will be there, your age, etc. Choose a vaccination center that works in close consultation with authorities and global organizations for to have the very latest information. For example
For the best possible travel advice, we ask you to make an appointment. Remember to book in well in advance of your trip so that you have adequate protection once you start your trip.
12. Packing
The most important thing to remember when you’re packing all your things is that you’ll be moving quite a bit with the luggage. You will probably change from flight to bus. From bus to jeep. From the jeep to the accommodation.
Try to avoid suitcases with wheels. They don’t work so well during a safari trip. There is limited space in the cars!
The best type of bag to take on round trips is a soft bag or backpack. You should also have a “day pack” with your personal items such as camera, binoculars, etc. A day backpack is practical to have with you, both as hand luggage on the flight but also for the things you need to have with you during the day. Hard suitcases are impractical and take up an unnecessarily large amount of space.
– 2 pairs of khaki colored cotton trousers.
– 2 pairs of khaki shorts.
– 2 pairs of long-sleeved cotton shirts/blouses against insects and the sun.
– 1 thin sweater.
– 1 thin windbreaker.
– Swimwear.
– Sturdy walking shoes/boots.
– Sandals (in the evenings).
– 3-5 short-sleeved shirts or T-shirts.
– 5 changes of underwear.
– Hat with screen all around or cap.
Other equipment
Malaria tablets
Mosquito repellent
Mosquito net
Travel towel
Sunscreen and After sun lotion Skin cream
Soap/shower gel
Extra pair of glasses. Avoid contact lenses in tropical countries because
risk of infection.
Wet wipes/hand cleaner
Antiseptic cream
Pocket knife with small scissors
Toothbrush toothpaste
2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner
Lip balm
Razor and shaving cream/gel
Plasters and dressings
Motion sickness tablets
Diarrhea tablets
Salt for fluid replacement
Cold/flu tablets
Allergy medicines
Detergent/laundry soap
Small unbreakable mirror
Plastic bags (for wet laundry/muddy shoes/sorting clothes in the suitcase)
Small compass
Card deck/travel game
Book to read
Phrasebook for Swahili or download the Swahili App for your smart phone.
Gifts for children such as pens, balloons, used clothes and shoes (can be left at orphanages)
Money belt or pouch to store cash and passports
Padlock with code (for suitcases) and possibly “lock in the lock” for simple door locks in cheap hotels.
Small backpack (for camera, valuables, water bottle)
Mosquito spray (spray inside the mosquito net 1 hour before bedtime)
Guidebooks (Lonely Planet) and maps
Passport and visa
Important phone numbers and addresses
Travel insurance
Travel schedule with details
Vaccination certificate
Extra passport photos
Copy of the passport, kept in a different place than the passport
Medical history
Copies of drug prescriptions
Driving license.
Other practical things
Safari binoculars are essential for a successful trip
It gets dark in the evening, so a flashlight or headlamp is a must
Camera, good lens, and film/memory card (can be expensive and difficult to complete) plus extra batteries and lens cleaning
Power adapters – in much of Africa they are 3-pin round or square
Mini combination lock because keys are easily lost
On some trips, sleeping bags, sleeping mats, mosquito nets are needed